Christos Kechagioglou
Secret Garden
7 Dec 2018 – 2 Feb 2019 Trikala
The secret garden is connected with the first, the mythical garden of Eden, the model of beauty and harmony, where man was placed, according to the great myth of creation, as a complete being in order to create and enjoy a happy life. Since then, through man's adventure in history, the garden has become a secret place within man. It's a condition that he misses, longs and yearns, although he has never experienced it. The idea of the “secret garden” is an artistic approach of this internal, indescribable place. It is in fact a transformed picture of reality and our world. Each piece of work is made as the transformation of what is familiar and it is a testimony and a sign of the existence of what is far away.
Secret Garden,
90 x 130 cm
The transformation requires a different look, which, in painting, means first of all a different conception of light. What is attempted here, is a creation of a different lighting, which looks like the light as we know it, but which is something different in its essence. And of course, when we talk about light in painting, we refer to colour. Here in the garden, everything emits light; a light which becomes one with everything and vibrates everything. It is like a secret breeze which gives a freedom and an autonomy to all the things and elements of nature, which it turns into “ghosts”. The sea and the water turn into beings, but the buildings, the hills and the trees, the courts and the flowerbeds become independent motifs and turn into musical notes, into creatures of a fantastic journey in search of the unpredictable. Everything seems to lighten up in a weird, mystery scene.
The Passage of Time,
70 x 70 cm
The “Secret Garden” is the personal log of this exploration, without beginning and end; a recording of an internal history and geography, which bears the “ancient” joy for life. It is all an arbitrariness, a game. I paint and I feel that everything is arbitrary. But in the end, as a wise man says, the dreams and the daring almond trees that bloom in the middle of winter are arbitrary too.
70 x 70 cmThe edge of the World,
90 x 113 cmEnd of the Island I,
100 x 50 cmEnd of the Island II,
100 x 100 cmVegetation by the River,
70 x 70 cmBridge in the Snow,
50 x50 cmFeast at the Temple,
70 x 70 cmTrees in the Meadow,
50 x 50 cmCypresses on the Edge,
50 x 50 cmHot Springs,
70 x 70 cmBreathing Valley,
100 x 100 cmWhite Night
Town by the River,
50 x50 cmFlowers of the Sea,
70 x 70 cmWith Antonioni
at the Red Chairs, 70 x 70 cmSmall Ski Resort,
40 x 40 cmSecret Route,
70 x 70 cmTemples of the Rocks,
50 x 50 cmTemples of the Rocks II,
50 x 50 cmNight Studio,
70 x 70 cmGarden of the Rocks,
90 x 113 cmCity of Heaven, 100 x 100 cm
On the road,
trees with fruit,
70 x 70 cmOrange Tree
at the Wooden Stair,
50 x 50 cmIn the Garden
with Braque,
90 x 113 cmA Chat at the Banana Tree,
70 x 70 cmDrawings in a Dream,
40 x40 cmTree with Daisies,
70 x 70 cmThe Elven Village,
50 x 50 cmSnow time,
100 x 100 cmFields in the Hinterland,
100 x 100 cm