Dimosthenis Kokkinidis
6 Apr – 4 May 2019 Trikala CURATED BY Yiannis Bolis
Dimosthenis Kokkinidis, in his work as a whole, reveals a unique expression and at the same time, the quality and the span of his sculpture quests and of his spiritual interests. His painting is imposed through the strength of its colours, the stress on the purely artistic values, the poetics, the strength and the truth of its meanings. In the last unit of his work, from 2004 unitl today, Kokkinidis creates riveting compositions. Having his life partner, Pepi Svoronou, as his theme, he narrates untold moments of a feeling, turning the unbearable certainty of the irreversible “absence’, and the anguish before the fatal and the inevitable into elegiac grief, into a serene feeling of admission. His works join reality together with the imaginary and the intuitive into a romantic illustration of escape; they lead to emotional climax whereas their symbolism emerges freely, vivid and clear. Viewers find themselves before a transcendent universe of pictures, before an undisturbed and unwordly silence. The couple, the man and the woman, is united and tied, most of the times with thin lines of colour; it appears free of the burden of its natural dimensions, it sinks in the melancholy and the mystic atmosphere of a moonlit night, it gazes at the setting sun or the wide sea. The man and the woman are parted, distanced from each other, or they levitate embraced in a dreamy space – time. It is about a hymn to the common life and course, to the sacrity and mystery of life and love, of loss and transition. Alma gallery, with this exhibition, honours one of the most important Greek creators, whose offer exceeds by far the limits of his artistic deposits.