Andreas Voussouras
Trap Door
21 Mar – 19 Apr 2019
The BudArtPest project
Léna & Roselli Gallery
10 Galamb Street,
1052-H, Budapest
Yiannis Bolis
Combining photographs, ready-mades and diverse materials, Andreas Voussouras creates a body of imaginal references, which are then incorporated, processed and transformed by the artist into works that are imaginative and original, unconventional and - both plastically and conceptually- subversive, constantly redefining the fields of experience, viewing and memory for both the artist-sender and the viewer-receiver. With his systematic method and insightful problematization, he portrays his vital relationship with life and modern reality, focusing on the stereotypes, roles and symbols, the contradictions, divisions and dysfunctions that characterise human existence and the human condition. His compositions define narratives that serve as testaments to the poeticness of the uncompleted effort, the ethics of the impasse; in those narratives, dominant personal experiences coexist with the social dimension, sensibility with cruelty, melancholy with the innerness of alienation, irony with catalytic humour. Memories and feelings, secrets and frustrated hopes – everything that has defined and shaped us, everything that we have loved and betrayed, everything that has hurt us or has been hurt by us – emerge from the dark “trap door”, coming to light in order to test our fears and agonies, to warn and protect us, in a world that is volatile and complex, contradictory and fragmented, a world that has lost its bearings.